Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Everybody get excited,
We started digging potatoes this week, and they look great. We planted 8 or 9 varieties so you'll get to enjoy them for a few weeks to come. We planted about 500lbs of seed potatoes, around St. Patricks day, and we think they did well, not 10 times what we planted well- but good enough, I'm just sayin, these boxes are heavy- and its time to eat some taters.
I'll have a description for all the spuds so you can see what varieties we have, and what those varieties do best, as in mashing, frying etc. whether its a dry or buttery one etc. Its time to refine your po-pallettes, so don't po-hate- eat yer po-tate-
hope no ones on the Atkins diet , or if you are, here's a tip: eat potatoes anyway, and then switch diets.
This week we shall have (hopefully):

Potato- All Blue- these are blue all the way through- and are a Moist, Firm spud- And they make great fries...just sayin

many more Heirloom tomatoes- all from the field, all awesome- hopefully your enjoying these
some romas- sweet little red ones
or tomatillios- salsa!- roast these and add an obscene amount of garlic and cilantro -eat it

summer squash- it might not seem like it, but your gonna miss these when they're gone

Beans- a mix of greens, yellow wax, and dragons lingerie(purple striped)- I love these beans just steamed with a little salt- but get crazy if you like-

cukes- white, lemon, and Asian oh my!

a little more garlic- its almost gone- alas

and probably some flowers- a little mix


very soon, we'll bring y'all some eggplants and peppers, probably next week-
Sarah Palin, And Mark Sanford

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